From Fear To Freedom

A bold invitation for dreamers and high achievers to rise above fear and realize their ultimate potential in leadership and life.

A life of abundance is waiting for you on the other side of fear

When you think about your dreams, do you notice that fear is often right there too, riding shotgun? Instead of singing along to your favorite 90s hits as you cruise down the road to success, fear shouts over the soundtrack, telling you that you’re not good enough, you’re bound to fail, or that you’re too afraid to even try. And so, we take the nearest exit ramp – filled with anxiety and paralyzed by fear – settling for what feels “safe. When anxiety and fear dominate our lives, it can be debilitating.

when we learn to embrace fear, it can become a superpower that drives us toward unimaginable new heights.

Our relationship with fear needs to change.

First you fight it, then you face it, then you can embrace it.

That’s when you begin to see fear as a gift and find greater freedom.

Adam Hill is a memorable keynote speaker, bestselling author, nine-figure CEO, World Championship qualifying triathlete, host of the Flow Over Fear podcast, and leading voice on the art of rising above fear and anxiety to achieve a high-performance life.


After overcoming more than a decade of alcoholism and destructive behavior, Adam discovered that his deep-rooted fear and anxiety disorder weren’t the enemies he made them out to be. In fact, they were his greatest ally and catalyst for achieving a high-performing life.

Through reframing his perception of fear and anxiety and harnessing them as tools for success, Adam went from non-athlete to elite long-distance triathlete, qualifying for the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii in just four years.

Today, Adam shares his powerful triumph over fear with audiences around the world and through his weekly podcast, inspiring others to recognize fear as a gift rather than an obstacle to living a life of abundance.

Adam inspires audiences to boldly rise above fear and achieve new levels of fulfillment.

Colleges and Universities
Leadership Conferences
Sports Teams & Clubs
Sales Teams
Mastermind Events
Company Retreats

“You do not need to be an athlete to be inspired by Adam’s story. Just hear him speak and discover your own personal power as you walk with Adam on his path to sobriety, faith, fulfillment, healing, and happiness.”

Peter Vidmar,Gymnastics Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist

The keynote

Turn Fear Into Freedom: How to Rise Above Fear and Realize Your Ultimate Potential

Customizable 60-90 minute keynote

Do you have big dreams that you are putting off or giving up on because of uncertainty or self doubt? Are you overwhelmed by the enormity of your goals and the steps required to get you there?

These are a few of the ways in which fear shows up on the path to our dreams. And when we experience these fears, they feel like giant obstacles.

But what if those fears weren’t obstacles to be avoided, but signals for opportunity to be embraced?

In “Turn Fear into Freedom,” audiences will learn valuable insights in how to evolve their relationship with fear – from fighting it, to facing it, and finally – embracing it.

Through his inspiring story of overcoming a debilitating anxiety disorder and alcoholism and becoming a world-class triathlete and successful nine-figure CEO, Adam invites audiences to develop a new, empowered relationship with fear.

By letting go of the idea that we have to “get over” fear and instead learn to rise above it through simple and actionable strategies, we can change the course of how we lead and live. We can transform fear into freedom.

This talk is available for tailored workshops and panel discussions.

You won’t walk away with pumped-up confidence to give fear the middle finger. Instead, you'll begin to heal your relationship with fear. welcome it as a gift.

Adam Hill
Adam Hill
Adam Hill
Adam Hill

Adam has shared his story of extreme transformation with thousands of people through television, media, podcasts, and live events.

In 2017, his successful attempt to qualify for the Ironman World Championship was featured on an episode of the NBC Sports series, Ironman: Quest for Kona. Subsequently, he was featured on the Ironman World Championship Preview Show and the Ironman World Championship broadcast that same year. He has also been featured in, Triathlete Magazine, MindBodyGreen, Huffington Post, and NBC Sports. He has spoken for high-performance organizations all over the US and abroad.

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“It was so easy to work with Adam, he tailored his message and his talk to what the audience needed. He gave everybody a lesson, taught them what he learned from that story, and provided a tool for people to utilize. Questions to ask, models that they can utilize to unlock their own potential and get themselves from a place of fear to a place of flow. Can’t recommend Adam enough. He was exactly what we needed and to this day I’m getting messages telling me how much Adam’s talk impacted the people.”

Jamie Gruber

What if your best life was just 5% beyond your comfort zone?

Adam leaves audiences with meaningful, actionable methods to rise above fear and find the courage to lead and grow.

The truth is, you don’t have to give 110% to be successful. It’s a shocking realization for those sold on the lie that if you’re not close to the brushes of burnout, you’re not trying hard enough. But just like training for a triathlon, giving 80% of consistent effort over time produces the most optimal results – leaving you the capacity to push 5% into fear.

Through frameworks, like the 80% / 5% Formula, Adam provides powerful tools to master mindset, become more disciplined, improve overall wellbeing, and level up performance through greater freedom and fulfillment.

After hearing Adam speak, audiences will:

  • Discover how our relationship with fear can evolve from fighting it, to facing it, to EMBRACING it.
  • Learn how to turn uncertainty, overwhelm, and self-doubt into opportunities for growth.
  • Understand the difference between fear as “danger” and fear as “opportunity.”
  • Be able to tap into higher levels of courage, conviction, and confidence in work and life.
  • Learn the secrets of the 80% / 5% Formula for finding greater freedom.
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Amazon #1 Bestselling Memoir

Shifting Gears: From Anxiety and Addiction to a Triathlon World Championship

It was never part of Adam Hill’s life ambition or his genetic constitution to wear a Speedo in public, let alone compete in a triathlon. For the first three decades of life, he was the poster child for non-athleticism, obsessively unhealthy habits, and an intense fear of… well… everything.

Yet at the age of thirty-three, with a physique that could only be described as “Sasquatch with a Dad Bod,” he put aside his insecurities and took his first step toward an outrageous dream: to qualify for the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii.

It was a dream shared by nearly every other triathlete in the world, reserved for the top 1 percent of all athletes in the sport—a sport in which Adam had exactly zero experience.

In Shifting Gears, Adam shares his harrowing, inspiring, and sometimes-clumsy story of transformation, from the origins of a debilitating anxiety disorder to his battle with alcoholism to his rise to the top of the triathlon world stage.

“My emotion was up and down with every stroke, pedaling, and every turn in his running through the pages. I will remember his mantra – Swim through the fear, bike with your brain, and run with your heart.”

Nick He
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Top 5% Global Podcast – 1,000+ Monthly Downloads

Flow Over Fear Podcast

The biggest difference between people who achieve the next level and those who just continue to dream is the ability to get into, and stay in flow, despite fear. Adam and his guests explore the key elements of flow; the tips, tactics, and frameworks that help them to perform at the top 1% in their fields. Guests include top athletes, CEOs, entrepreneurs, leaders, and inspirational voices sharing their stories of courage, conviction, and compassion.

“His story, energy, and attitude inspired a great response from our team. While Adam has a captivating and entertaining story to tell, the tangible takeaways he provided to us stood out to me in terms of biggest value to our business. Mindset is so important to success, and Adam has a connective way of driving that point home.”

Mike Tucker, President – Stego Industries

Transform your audience from frustrated dreamers into world-class achievers with Adam Hill at your next event.

Adam is currently booking speaking engagements, panel discussions, and media appearances. For speaking requests and calendar inquiries, contact us via de form below.